Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Schick Hydro 2010 U.S. Product Launch

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown

NHLPA Replay and Gatorade

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown

Aleve, My Sensible Shoes

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell & Dawn Ramsay Brown
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown

The Boobywall

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Simon Brooks, Kaitlyn Cowan & Philip Powell
Technical Direction: Jason Ramsay Brown

Boobywall. Winner of 2009 best in Show and Gold for Innovation at CAPMA and Silver for Innovation at the Global Marketing Awards

The Boobywall Site

Jamie Foxx and Vitamin Water. Mixx for Mankind. A collaboration between Jamie Foxx and Musicians from Around the World.

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Kelly Small

If Campaign

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown & Simon Brooks (Cinema)
Technical Direction: Jason Ramsay Brown

GreenWorks, Burts Bees and Brita.

Little People 50th Anniversary Site

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown & Nicole Dynes

Where a Little becomes a Lot

Glad Canada OCI

Creative Strategy: Philip Powell
Art Direction: Dawn Ramsay Brown

The changing Nature of Glad, Ahead of the Curb